What you will find and why you are here

Welcome to Sweet Bottom Sewing Company - Celebrating a life made simpler by sewing! For a while now, family and friends have asked me to post photos of the things I have made or can make so they could share them with their friends. What started out as a necessity, sewing, has become a great love and hobby and remains a constant adventure. I don't really follow patterns, I just have a feel for something and go with it. From bedding and window treatments to fun applique shirts and monogrammed towels, everything is done with love. Check out the Photo Galleries links below (on the left) to see more of my fun stuff! My FaceBook page is filled with albums of photos of custom orders of shirts, baby gifts, draperies and monogramming ideas.

You won't find just sewing stuff here either. It's become much more than that. Sweetbottom has become a part of our lives and that life is getting put down on the screen right alongside the flags and onesie dresses. Welcome Y'all.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Time - Smile!

These are just a few of my favorite outfits and customers orders so far this year. I have really had a blast over the past few weeks sewing and making these outfits for all my friends and family. The wagon and tree set for the boys turned out especially cute and I was really proud of it when they were getting their photo taken. I do have to give it up to David for bringing along a few packages of fruit snacks. Dylan was NOT going to sit on that mans lap! This year Santa was sponsored by Welch's.

I'm not done sewing, so keep sending me your orders and requests. I just don't have the time to post and upload photos along the way right now. Will I get caught up? That remains to be seen. The tree got decorated this year! Believe me that is an accomplishment, last year I was throwing on ornaments just minutes before the big family dinner.

Merry Christmas to anyone reading this silly blog and thank you for your orders and support this year. This has been a great year for Sweet Bottom. Both the baby and the little sewing business are growing up and forming little personalities of their own. I am such a proud mommy of all my babies.

Pumpkin Patch (part 2)

What Goobers they can be sometimes! But I love these little family rituals that we are trying to start. I don't get the best photos and usually, after the fact, I realize that people are walking through the background in most of my pictures. I wouldn't pass this up for anything. Of the couple of dozen pics I snapped that day I will have fond memories forever.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkins Pumpkins Everywhere

I love Fall.

The smells, the tastes, the festivities. I love it all! Well except for the time change, I hate that part. This year is going to be packed full of fun fall things to do. Both of the boys are old enough to really get into the holidays and I have enthusiastically encouraged the behavior. I have been informed that the front porch MUST get decorated. And we do not have enough big scary birds to hang around the house.

Today, we are taking the annual trip to the pumpkin patch for photos and to pick out just the right melon. I can't wait! Looking back in my photo archives, they are some of my favorite pictures.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday #1!!!

I know I don't update the blog as often as I had intended in the beginning. Honestly, it's just too dang hard. I do so much of my business on Facebook these days that turning around and posting duplicate photos is, well, time consuming and exhausting. I love having the two outlets to showcase my work but it is a task to undertake. With that being said.....

My baby is 4! and we celebrated it at the Zoo. These animal shirts are the party favors I made for all the kids in his class and they were all so cute wearing them together and riding the rides. We love all our classmates at school and hope they had a great time at our party.

Theme shirts are all the rage this fall and apparently from the two festivals I've been to so far "owls" are in this season. Think about your gift giving lists this upcoming season and give me a call. We can make some really great gifts really special with a little personalized touch for a lot less.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Turning to Something New and Fresh (again)

There comes a time when you just have to change it up - again. Things get stagnant and predictable. I get this feeling several times throughout the year and usually let it pass with a distraction. This time, I just don't know if the distraction will come soon enough. Summer is way to quickly passing me by and the thought of sitting up in a hot sewing room making more shorts is, well, depressing and sweaty. I saw this patchwork pillow in a recent mail-home catalog and it reminded me of the love I have for making bedding and soft furnishings. I made the others myself for the boys playroom. It's amazing how the simplest changes of a throw pillow or two can freshen up a whole room.

Instead of looking at the applique designs with childrens clothing in mind, how about looking at it from a room decor view? All of my applique and embroidery designs can be made into throw pillows, bedding, shower curtains, drapes - you name it. Let's face it - that will last much longer than a shirt anyway! Have a theme for a little boys new "Big Boy Room"? How about trains or bugs. I can mix and match all kinds of designs and textures in to make their very own special place.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Hot dogs by the pool, ice cold lemonade on a hot summer afternoon, baseball on a sultry steamy night....Nothin' like Summertime in the South. Here are some suggestions for those little firecrackers in your life to wear for your special Independence Day festivities. Celebrate in style with personalized T's made just for you.

Please remember what this holiday is about and take a moment to thank those around us who have fought to protect what this country is all about! Freedom - freedom to stand up for our own personal beliefs.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Updating and Organizing

I finally got a chance to sit down an upload and organize my last few months of sewing projects. What a chore - but I feel such a sense of accomplishment once I get through. Here are just a few photos of the things that I have recently completed. Take a look at more of my custom creations in the photo album (link) down on the left. You can also find me on Facebook at "Sweet Bottom Sewing Company".

Friday, April 15, 2011

Warm Weather Clothing

Ahhhhhhh.....Summer time! The fresh green grass, blooming trees, the lawns filled with azaleas, tulips and hydrangeas. There is nothing like Summer in the South. As soon as the thermometer hits 65 degrees, we break out the flip flops and seersucker. Sure it may be a sterotyopical thing for us to do but I'll let you in on a little secret.......Southerners don't like cold! We live for the summer months where the hot sticky summer air forces you to the shade of an old tree and the comfort of a ice cold glass of lemonade. Fishing in the stream, swinging on a tire swing, catching fireflies in a mason jar... Bring it on! I'm ready - are you? These new sets are just perfect for the hot weather headed our way. Embroidered with some classic initials or a beach critter, this new Jon Jon can be made reversible with two coordinating fabrics!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Introducing Stitch!

I just won a contest for two free designs from Applique Cafe for the best name suggestion for this dog. "Stitch" appears all throughout the year celebrating seasons and holidays in her wonderful applique catalog. Take a look at her work and order a shirt from me for the little dog lover in your life! http://www.appliquecafe.com/

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy Birthday William and Natalie!

Made this set for for an old friend for her two Birthday kiddos this weekend. I was tickled with the coordinnating fabric I found that would accomodate both a boys and a girls shirt. In the end, I had to cut out so much of the pink and yellow of the stripe you couldn't tell it was a set. Still, turned out cute and Natalie was pleased. Alls well......... Happy Spring to you all!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My First Year Onsies!

How wonderful of an idea is this!!! What new mommy wouldn't die to have a onsie of the month for those "Oh So Precious" first year monthly photos! I just can't wait to get the first order for this. I would love to sell these as a set. For $120.00, you will get one onsie a month for a year. That's only $10.00 a shirt! I will make them and send them out about three weeks ahead each month. Start making memories for someone today!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spring Spring Spring (part 2)...

I love Spring and the freshness and warmth it brings along with it. I have been sampling for a WAHM digitizer a little lately and the first photo above is a recent addition to her offerings. You can find all her great designs at http://www.appliquemarket.com/ . The other cute shirts are for a recent Easter order for my dear HS friend Mary and some "happys" she had me make for her sons friends. I really hope they all like their new Spring shirts.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spring Spring Spring!!!

After a dreadfully cold week in Colorado Springs last week, I returned home to the realism's of my mommydome, snot and poop. All three boys down with a stomach bug and pitifully sick. I would give up my own health and wellbeing any day so my babies wouldn't have to suffer. But luckily, we've turned the corner and tummies are returning back to normal. Let us look to spring! Slightly above normal temps here at home have us longing for spring colors and blooming trees...Check back for a few of the custom orders I've been sampling.