What you will find and why you are here

Welcome to Sweet Bottom Sewing Company - Celebrating a life made simpler by sewing! For a while now, family and friends have asked me to post photos of the things I have made or can make so they could share them with their friends. What started out as a necessity, sewing, has become a great love and hobby and remains a constant adventure. I don't really follow patterns, I just have a feel for something and go with it. From bedding and window treatments to fun applique shirts and monogrammed towels, everything is done with love. Check out the Photo Galleries links below (on the left) to see more of my fun stuff! My FaceBook page is filled with albums of photos of custom orders of shirts, baby gifts, draperies and monogramming ideas.

You won't find just sewing stuff here either. It's become much more than that. Sweetbottom has become a part of our lives and that life is getting put down on the screen right alongside the flags and onesie dresses. Welcome Y'all.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Turning to Something New and Fresh (again)

There comes a time when you just have to change it up - again. Things get stagnant and predictable. I get this feeling several times throughout the year and usually let it pass with a distraction. This time, I just don't know if the distraction will come soon enough. Summer is way to quickly passing me by and the thought of sitting up in a hot sewing room making more shorts is, well, depressing and sweaty. I saw this patchwork pillow in a recent mail-home catalog and it reminded me of the love I have for making bedding and soft furnishings. I made the others myself for the boys playroom. It's amazing how the simplest changes of a throw pillow or two can freshen up a whole room.

Instead of looking at the applique designs with childrens clothing in mind, how about looking at it from a room decor view? All of my applique and embroidery designs can be made into throw pillows, bedding, shower curtains, drapes - you name it. Let's face it - that will last much longer than a shirt anyway! Have a theme for a little boys new "Big Boy Room"? How about trains or bugs. I can mix and match all kinds of designs and textures in to make their very own special place.