What you will find and why you are here

Welcome to Sweet Bottom Sewing Company - Celebrating a life made simpler by sewing! For a while now, family and friends have asked me to post photos of the things I have made or can make so they could share them with their friends. What started out as a necessity, sewing, has become a great love and hobby and remains a constant adventure. I don't really follow patterns, I just have a feel for something and go with it. From bedding and window treatments to fun applique shirts and monogrammed towels, everything is done with love. Check out the Photo Galleries links below (on the left) to see more of my fun stuff! My FaceBook page is filled with albums of photos of custom orders of shirts, baby gifts, draperies and monogramming ideas.

You won't find just sewing stuff here either. It's become much more than that. Sweetbottom has become a part of our lives and that life is getting put down on the screen right alongside the flags and onesie dresses. Welcome Y'all.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Too Much, Too Fast, not enough outlets.......

I heard someone make this statement the other day and I just had to borrow it for a post title.  It's one of those statements that,well, you frankly just get.  I mean I knew exactly what this person was trying to say.  Like you, my days are crazy.  Full time corporate job, two active crazy boys (ages 5 & 2 1/2), part-time at home sewing business,  gym (sometimes) & LAUNDRY.... Sometimes I'm a blur when I come in the door after work.  Often times I work through lunch to get caught up or I'm running errands during lunch trying not to run out of ketchup at home!  I did that once - never again.  It's almost too much! 

The start of Kindergarten is just about to break my heart. I can't believe my sweet little Reece 

is starting Kindergarten this year.  What I wouldn't give to have just one more year of pre-school and fun filled days with Ms. Victoria.  I am going to cry, actually I already have (several times) and I am right now while typing this post.  I have agonized over starting him now or waiting for one more year.  I've read the books about outliers and red-shirting.  I have talked with numerous other mommies and teachers about boys and summer birthdays.  There are great arguments for both sides.  I just couldn't find a good enough reason to keep him back other than it just doesn't "feel" right.  Conversations happen and numerous days have past and it still just doesn't feel right. I want him to learn confidence in his own way and not have it forced sown his throat.  I want him to feel like he belongs not try so hard to fit in that he is not comfortable.  I want to give him every opportunity to succeed in life without having to fight being the youngest in the class. This is all happening too fast! 

I am involved in so many topics of conversation and streams of thought that sometimes I find it difficult to get out of my car after work.  I sit in the driveway and recap the day...."did I eat lunch?, what about that report, did I pay the pre-school tuition, what's for dinner that won't take too much time, do I have sewing orders to complete?....."  Then I am awakened out of "sleep mode" to the kicks on my backseat, "mommy my day to get out of the car first.....! What are you waiting for???" My travel time (6.5 miles ) from school home is my down time -  sad but true.  In that time, I try to talk to my two boys about their day.  Did everyone have nice hands? How was your lunch?  Mean while cell phones are alerting me to reminders for everything from get milk to that dreaded "Low battery" indicator window on the phone. I am plugged in all the time.  I hate to admit it but I am.  You come in my house at any given point in time (please ignore the mess) and any given number of things are "charging" - cameras, video batteries, cell phones, IPads.....there strewn about like a Best Buy. We just don't have enough outlets - or maybe we have too much stuff?