What you will find and why you are here

Welcome to Sweet Bottom Sewing Company - Celebrating a life made simpler by sewing! For a while now, family and friends have asked me to post photos of the things I have made or can make so they could share them with their friends. What started out as a necessity, sewing, has become a great love and hobby and remains a constant adventure. I don't really follow patterns, I just have a feel for something and go with it. From bedding and window treatments to fun applique shirts and monogrammed towels, everything is done with love. Check out the Photo Galleries links below (on the left) to see more of my fun stuff! My FaceBook page is filled with albums of photos of custom orders of shirts, baby gifts, draperies and monogramming ideas.

You won't find just sewing stuff here either. It's become much more than that. Sweetbottom has become a part of our lives and that life is getting put down on the screen right alongside the flags and onesie dresses. Welcome Y'all.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy New Year!!!!

Hope your new year is off to a wonderful start.  We are having quite the time here in the Saliba household. Baby Emma is standing and cruising and eating everything in site.  So far this week she has experienced the taste of dirt via the houseplant and burnt wood from the fireplace.  Im not talking about a little lick either. Two handfuls of each both times.  Tongue out and mouth full of dirt and mud.  Two handfuls clinched so tight that the mud was oozing out between her fingers.

A new year at Sweet Bottom means trying new things and improving on those things that didn't go so well.  I am going to continue my flag series with spring offerings and a few for back to school that I am sure will be a huge hit.  Right now I am in Disney mode, trying to plan for a family trip in March for 7.  Shirts for everyone!  The boys will be tricky but I think I have a few good designs for them to wear at the park.

Of course baby Emma needs a dress

I thought this was cute for the whole family to wear on the plane

A couple of designs that Reece (age7) "Might" consider.......

Its going to be a great trip!!!